Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What are you willing to do?

How important is eduction to us?  For educators in Wisconsin, it was important enough to occupy the state capitol for days and weeks on end.  For a few thousand educators, it was important enough that they travelled to Washington D.C. for the Save our Schools rally this summer.  As legislators continue to push an agenda of pseudo-reform, educators continue to push back.  But, how hard are we willing to push?  Are we willing to push this hard?  Education reform, Chilean style...

photo: msnbc

High school and college students are rioting in Chile because of the lack of government funding for education and because of tax-exempt private universities that do not put their profits back into education as they are required.  Sounds familiar doesn't it? A lack of funding and a push towards privatized, marginalized for-profit education is happening right here in the good ol' USA.

Stand up against harmful education reform, reclaim public education!